HTML cite tag

<cite> tag references to some creative work like the writer of an article or the name of an author of a book.

  <p> The theory of relativity was given by Albert Einstein</p>
  <p> He was awarded nobel prize in 1921 for creative work in physics</p>

The theory of relativity was given by Albert Einstein

He was awarded nobel prize in 1921 for creative work in physics

Tag Uses

Specific uses of <cite> tag

What is creative work?

The works that are performed initially. For instance, the author of a quote, the writer of a song or a movie, the author of a website or a page, a statement.

Book's Author:

<cite>The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Safaq.</cite>

Quote's Author:

<cite>It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves by William Shakespeare.</cite>

Novel's Writer:

<cite>To Kill a Mockingbird</cite> novel was written by <cite>Harper Lee</cite>.

Poem's Writer:

<cite>Still I Rise</cite>poem was written by <cite>Harper Lee</cite>.

Tag omission

Both opening and closing tags are necessary for the cite element.

Global Attributes

All the global attribute support the cite element.

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