HTML cite attribute
HTML cite attribute provides more information about the quoted text to the browser. Remember that it is not for the user but for private use.
<blockquote cite="">
The WHO Constitution was the first international instrument to enshrine the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental right of every human being ("the right to health").
The WHO Constitution was the first international instrument to enshrine the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental right of every human being ("the right to health").
The value of this attribute is the URL of the page from which fragment of the text was brought.
Attribute values
All possible values of cite attributeThe value of cite attribute is the valid 'URL'.
Related Tags
The tags that support cite attribute<blockquote> tag
blockquote element gives citation link of the content which is quoted from another source.
<del> tag
cite attribute specifies a link that represents the information about the deleted text.
<p>This is simple text. Here <del cite="the address of link">the text has been deleted.</del><p>
Try</> <ins> tag
cite attribute specifies a link that points to the information about the inserted text.
<p><ins cite="the address of citation link">New text is being inserted and cite attribute gives more information about the edit content.</ins></p>
Try</> <q> tag
q element uses cite attribute to represent the source of quoted content.
<p>William Shakespeare says,<q cite=""> All things that are, Are with more spirit chased than enjoyed.</q></p>
Try </>
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