CSS padding-inline-end property


It is a logical property that defines space at the end side of a content inside a box. The selection of end side depends on the writing-mode.

  • It behaves like padding-right for the horizontal-tb writing mode.

  • It behaves like padding-bottom or padding-top for the vertical-lr and vertical-rl writing-mode respectively.

Change the direction of flow of text.

horizontal-tb vertical-lr vertical-rl


padding-inline-end : length

Property values

0 lengthDefault

There is no thickness of the padding area at the end side of the border box.

padding-inline-end: 0;

+ve length

+ve value represents padding area at the end side of a block.

padding-inline-end: 20px;

-ve length

The space decreases by 20px at the end of inline i.e the the subsequent content may merge into the element.

padding-inline-end: -20px;

Applicable to

It applies to all elements

#CSS digger
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Check the behavior of padding-inline-end for different value of writing mode.
content after the inline
